Aceng Fikri Must Be Fired

Aceng Fikri , our most talked about bupati in Indonesia who happens to marry an underaged young girl for only four days and divorce her within the following 4 days, is now facing a lot of contra protesters.

Passion is ...

A thing you still want to do even if the ship you are on is sinking. Take those violinists on Titanic as an example. They kept playing the violin despite learning the ship would drown very soon.
So my question is now would I still want to write or blog badly even when death is a few steps away from me? Only time will and can tell...

A son on his dad

3 Steps to Stay Wrinkle-Free

For both men and women (as there are now more men paying more attention to their appearance),  having wrinkled skin face is clearly uncool. And it is kind of easy to get some anti-wrinkle advice from experts, like stay out of the sun, moisturize, don't smoke.

But as I read Real age , I discovered some more worthtrying tricks we have never figured before. And this does not involve some ultra expensive branded anti aging products, concoctions, etc.
So here are three more ways to a wrinkle-free face, just like a baby:
  • Eat soy : Soy is great for healing photodamage caused by sun exposure. If you are living in Indonesia, tahu and tempe are two great foods that can help you tighten back your sagging facial skin. Try some other soy-based foods like soy milk, tofu, etc. For girls and women, soy contains isoflavon that give you protection against breast or ovary cancer.
  • Have a cup of cocoa: Cocoa contains two antioxidants (epicatechin and catechin) that help protect skin from sun rays, hydrate skin, boost blood circulation.
  • Sleep on your back: More sleeplines can be found on people's facial skin and these people tend to sleep on their face. It reminds me of why Prophet Mohammed discourages us to sleep with our face touching the bed.
And to add some more, I have my own wrinkle-free habits: sipping some cups of green tea, facing life with a decent amount of humor, and enjoy each second of this life as a huge gift God has given to me. Cheers!

On Dealing with Odds

A mother said to her kid:

Sweetie, if I've learned anything in life, it's that sometimes things get in your path and you have a choice. You can either smash right into them, or you can adjust and move around. But you have to do one or the other in order to move forward.

The Art of Waiting

Nothing can be more annoying than waiting. Don't you realize even life is waiting? Life is waiting for death, basically. When your waiting for something good seems hopeless and endless and fruitless, perhaps what you can just do is waiting, and definitely praying for divine help.

Miyabi in Indonesia: Nay or ...Aye??!

This afternoon was ultimately mundane, nothing special was happening,until my cell phone rang. It was a text, coming not from my close pals or acquintainces but from a short number (6768). I wondered what the content was. "It must be something newsworthy or a junk advertisement", I thought. And I impatiently pressed the 'read' button only to find these words:
Meutia Hatta dukung MUI boikot  Kedatangan Miyabi. Anda setuju dengan pemboikotan tersebut? Ketik POLL SETUJU atau POLL TDK SETUJU sms ke 6768, Raih 1 Unit BLACKBERRY
I know how controversial she and her plan to play a movie here have been becoming these days. The news telling the escalating rejection is always buzzing, day and night, on TV, the Internet. And now, cellular world gets infected??!! Unbelievable! She is  such a news maker, indeed.

I happened to watch TV, and found our fellow Indonesian blogger, Raditya Dika,  elaborating on the controversy, which has dragged him because he is the scriptwriter  of the movie entitled "Menculik Miyabi", if I'm not mistaken. Considering Miyabi's reputation, it does make sense why some militant Islamic organizations and lots of moslem scholars despise the idea for EVER!

It is so true she is an irressistible hottie but can't she figure out finding another job? Swimsuit model, maybe? (Ah, not even better, but at the very least she wears 'something')
About the text I received above, I simply do not know how to answer. Should I say 'yes' or 'no'? Anyone, help me ? Who knows I'll win the Blackberry promised.